Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Jungle Garden Tour

So after the wedding and after all of the extended family moved on to New Orleans, Dustin, Alden, and I were in New Iberia, LA for a day by ourselves. We went back to Avery Island where the Tabasco sauce is grown and produced. It was so fun the first time that we seriously thought about doing the tour again but decided to enjoy the Jungle Garden as it promised alligators and a Budda statue.
These trees are so peaceful and soothing. The limbs extend down to the ground and seemingly rest on it.
Joke Alert! What do you call a baby alligator? A GATOR TOT!!!! hahahhahahahahahha shut up.

I believe I asked for the large propeller boat. Sheesh.
Spanish moss... you know, like you can buy in the bags at Michael's?
The view that this Budda statue has had for over 70 years. I'd be blissed out, too!

Hot doesn't even begin to describe this day but it was worth it to get out of the car during the tour to see all of this!

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