Friday, June 11, 2010

Final Walk Though

The wood floors are cleaned and sealed (refinishing will come at a much, much later date).
The bathroom is textured, painted, trimmed, and tiled.
The hallway, office, and laundry room is textured, painted, trimmed, and tiled.
The kitchen has a new stainless steel counter along with wood decorative piece.
The front stoop has the best roofless "awning" ever... in time, wisteria will be the canopy.
The lawn and landscaping has an in ground sprinkler system.
The bathroom sink no longer shocks the person washing their hands with running water.
All of the paint, inside and out, has been touched up.
The garden has been tilled up and is ready for replanting.
Just like that, two years and 1 week, we are moving out.

1 comment:

Sy and Shaunna said...

Thanks for the utter cry fest this morning :(