Monday, January 13, 2014

Hair Style Time Line

This post is ridiculous. It about my hair. But, after surviving at near mullet earlier in May 2013, I feel like I should honor my willingness to try new things. With my hair.

Senior year 1997
Senior year 1997

Senior year 1997
Senior year 1997
Senior year 1997
18 years old 1997
18 years old 1997
19 years old 1998
19 years old 1998
19 years old 1998
19 years old 1998
20 years old 1999
21 years old 2000
22 years old 2001
23 years old 2003
24 years old 2004
24 years old 2004
There is a huge gap in hair style coverage from about 2005-2011. This is because I rocked a faux hawk for several of those years and then drudged through the horrible grow out that that ensues. And I didn't have a camera. And smart phones didn't exist then. Just imagine me looking like a dude for far too long and you've got an accurate idea of what was happening during those 7 years.
32 years old 2011
32 years old 2011
34 years old 2013

1 comment:

cheris said...

You rock all those, lady.