Awww. That's nice.
He's lucky to have any toes left... for I have tried to nibble them all.
Me and my buddy getting ready for a walk.
Other things I enjoy about the baby Alden are:
1. His adoration for a stuffed red bird that we have cleverly dubbed "Red Bird" is palpable. Every time he sees it, his faces lights up, his mouth opens wide, and his eyes shine. I've seen him react similarly with a pair of orange handled scissors that I had near by but the Red Bird is tried and true. Buddies til the end.
2. His smile in the morning is wobbly and grows stronger as the day progresses.
3. He has discovered his hands and sucks on them for comfort and in curiosity. They smell a little because of that but that just means we can call him names like "Stinky Mittens".
4. He seems more satisfied than not as the weeks go by.
5. He loves to be held and rest his head on our chests. That means he feels safe which is something that I have always sought for myself and am happy to provide for another human being.
6. His eyelashes are nearly translucent but when he cries they clump up and show a light strawberry blond color.
7. He gets distracted by his own reflection in the mirror when he is upset. I'll show him himself and he instantly smiles back. That seems like the start of a healthy self-esteem. "I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And, Gosh darn it, people like me."
This is just the beginning of a very long list.
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