We made it through an entire three days of cloth diapers. I was admittedly nervous to try these suckers out because what if they did, in fact, suck? What if they didn't work like I had hoped? Determined to get on the saving money train, I tried them a few weeks back with Alden was under 10 pounds. He looked like a tick. Ridiculous. Also, I was still VERY novice level at the mom thing so I was scared of adding more laundry to my chore list in my sleep deprived state. I could see myself forgetting to take the cloth diapers OFF of the baby and just tossing the whole works in the washer.
But weeks, pounds, and sleep add up. I am more confident in my abilities to care for my son, myself, and our home all in the same day. Alden is also a bit bigger and fills out the diapers better. Further, Dustin encouraged me that cloth diapers were what we had been raised in and our parents before us so there must be some value to them. Also, in a previous post this week, I discussed my walk of shame with my son's poo on my ankle? 'Member that? Those were disposable diapers and they failed to contain the poo so I figured cloth couldn't do worse than that. So far, so good. Alden seemingly hasn't noticed the change up so that's a plus, too.
Now both grandma's can be assured that those days of sewing diapers and their covers were well worth it. Alden's hiney has never looked cuter all bundled up in 10 and 1/2 inches thick of fabric. Sure, the kid can't bend at the waist and looks like he just got done riding a horse for a week but at least it won't embarrass him or anything.
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