Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ok. I'll Get Right On That. Not.

I have been a sponge when it comes to reading information from a variety of sources about tips, tricks, and trends in baby raising. I shop for my information just like I shop from groceries... select the best brand for me, try different ingredients, experiment with new recipes, etc. Until now, I've been pretty open to everything. But, the most recent issue of "American Baby" magazine (April 2010) had this little tip that made me not just roll my eyes but throw the magazine right into the recycling bin. Take a listen, shall we?

Title: Protect Baby Teeth
Subtitle: Feeding baby during the night?
Article: "One her pearly whites start coming in, gently swab the inside of her mouth with a damp washcloth or dental wipe before putting her back to sleep, advises Michael Ignelzi, D.D.S., Ph.D., a spokesman for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. When milk sugar lingers in the mouth, it can cause severe tooth decay, and baby teeth may need to be crowned or removed as a result."

That advise, while important to follow DURING THE DAY, ain't gonna fly in THIS nighttime ritual. No, I won't let Alden's teeth rot in his adorable face but I am not on board with brushing up his pearly whites at 3 friggin' a to the m, ok? Mama is sleepy. Baby is sleepy. Period.

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